Best Flea Treatments For Labradors

Fleas on pets are way more irritating than a mosquito bite that makes you go crazy. Fleas are annoying little parasites that infect dogs and cats and are hard to get rid of. They feed on dog’s blood and cause itching.

Flea infestation becomes apparent once the flea’s lifecycle is completed and they have replicated themselves thousands of times. The bloodsucking critters cause skin allergies and different skin related problems.

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Fleas can spread from one dog to another via contact. They can infect a dog’s human buddies too. Flea infestation should be cured at earliest possible time. Monthly medicinal remedies and other preventive measures help dog parents to avoid flea infestations.

If you are looking for the best flea remedies, the article will be a revelatory help. Learn to permanently remove dog fleas and prevent them in future.

Top 5 Best Rated Product Reviews


Now, let’s look at some great flea treatments you can use on your pet that should be both safe and effective.

Frontline Plus Flea and Tick Control


This treatment lasts for about three months, and it is suitable for any dog eight months or older. You can use it on dogs that are anywhere from eight to 22 pounds, and that’s where the French Bulldog breed comes in. Pay attention to the weight and size restrictions and apply according to product labeling.

This kills fleas on contact, and is very easy to apply. It also kills their larvae and prevents new flea infestations from occurring. That means you can safely use it as a maintenance product to ensure that no fleas return. It’s also able to kill ticks and prevent the spread of Lyme disease.



  • Kills fleas and ticks fast and effectively
  • Prevents new infestations
  • Works well for a long time


  • May not work as well as other products manufactured by Frontline

Bayer K9 Advantix II Flea & Tick Control Treatment


This treatment is effective against not just fleas, but also mosquitos and ticks. It kills pests right away, so there is no waiting period for it to become effective. You should see results in as little as 10 minutes, if your dog has fleas active on it at the time.

This waterproof topical treatment is very effective since it won’t wash off or become less effective by rain. It’s so powerful though, that it is dangerous to use on cats. Be sure to follow the directions precisely. Dogs with medical problems and skin conditions should not be given this treatment, as it can exacerbate their condition or cause new and unwanted symptoms. Check with your vet if you are unsure if this product is safe for your pet. It is recommended that you do just that in case your dog has any allergies you may not be aware of. This is designed for dogs that are 21-55 pounds, so depending on your French Bulldog’s weight, you may want to opt for the smaller doses.


  • Works quite fast
  • Affordable pricing


  • May cause skin irritation

Vet’s Best Natural Flea and Tick Home Spray


If you are looking for a safe and effective way to get rid of fleas without damaging the environment or making your pets sick, then this spray from Vet’s Best is the way to go. It is made using all-natural ingredients, so there are no harsh chemicals to be concerned about. It kills fleas on contact, which is exactly what you want for your dog. You don’t want them to have to struggle with flea irritation for any longer than necessary.

You can use this for any dogs 12 weeks and older, and it won’t stain or cause them irritation, as many flea treatments unfortunately do. Because it is so gentle and safe, you can use it on smaller breeds, such as French bulldogs. The gentler formula does mean that it won’t kill fleas quite as well as some of the other options we have listed here. Also, the natural ingredients can smell less than inviting, and you definitely want to spray your dog outside and let the dog air out before letting it back in the house, if you do have a house dog.


  • Super affordable
  • Doesn’t stain
  • Safe for animals, you and the environment
  • Keeps mosquitos away too


  • Not as potent as some other treatments
  • Can have an unpleasant smell

Health Risks Caused by Canine Fleas:

Fleas are wingless creatures with a size of 0.16 to 0.125 inches and they spread quickly. They cause itching on contact and lead to severe skin allergies.

In some cases, fleas act as vectors of tapeworms eggs. In case, your Labrador eats up a flea carrying tapeworm eggs; he will be at risk of getting tapeworm infestation within few weeks or a month. The tapeworms will feed on nutrients your Labrador is getting, and thus, will deprive the dog of essential nutrients required by his body.

Symptoms of Flea Infestation:

Fleas are hard to be discovered when they first enter the dog’s fur. However, if you are able to find a flea in your Labrador’s fur; be prepared to find many more of them. Following are the two major symptoms of flea infestation:

  1. Black dirt on skin
  2. Red spots on belly or skin

Ways to Get Rid of Flea Infestation:

There are various treatments—medicinal and natural—and preventions of flea infestations for Labradors.

Before starting off with treatment, groom your dog or trim their fur with dog grooming clippers, then clean up the dog’s coat with flea shampoos and lower the chances of flea survival around the house using some DIY homemade sprays.

  1. Maintain a Clean Environment for Labrador:

The infected dog may shed fleas all around the house such as the carpet he sits on and the bed he sleeps in. Fleas can hide in the carpet’s fur for over three months without feeding on blood.

Vacuum the carpets and clean the non-leather sofas as well as other furniture to make sure there are no fleas left. Wash the Labrador bedding in hot water to kill the parasites.

Flea shampoos can kill the adult fleas, so use them along with medicinal treatments.

  1. Use Flea Repellent Sprays and Flea Combs:

The weak spot of fleas is that they hate living in acidic surroundings. So, to prepare a flea repelling lemon spray, simply boil half liter water for around 10 minutes. Then, add five lemon slices into it, and put it aside overnight. Fill up your spray bottle with it and use it whenever your Labrador is ready to go outside. It will prevent your Labrador from getting any fleas.

If your dog still catches fleas, you can soak the flea comb into the mixture, and use it for combing your dog’s fur.

Flea combs are best to use on young puppies, pregnant or nursing females as medicinal treatments are not recommended for them.

  1. Give Your Labrador Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Bath:

ACV is a preventive measure as well as flea treatment. Apple Cider Vinegar has flea repelling properties due to its acidic taste, so mix it in your Labrador’s bathtub. Fleas will be repelled by the dog’s body when he’ll go out.

  1. Add ACV to Water and Brewer’s Yeast to Food:

If the fleas have already infested your dog, mix a small proportion of Apple Cider Vinegar in his drinking water to lower his body’s pH level. He will naturally repel fleas.

Brewer’s Yeast is found to act as a strong repellent for fleas. Add a veterinarian recommended quantity of Brewer’s yeast to your lab’s food. It will make the taste of blood unpleasant to fleas.

Note: Consult the vet before starting off with these natural treatments.

  1. Get Flea Collars for your Labrador:

Flea collar functions dually: firstly, it emits a poisonous gas that repels or kills fleas and secondly, it releases specific flea combating substances into the dog’s skin that spread throughout the dog’s body. However, the former type of flea collars can work only in the proximal area to the dog’s neck, and the latter may contain deadly chemicals for other house pets, especially, cats.

Medical Treatments for Fleas:

You can prevent fleas without medicinal treatments, but these chemicals become essential when the Labrador is infested with fleas. Find out more on: best flea medicine for dogs.

  1. Best Spot-on Treatments:

Some of the best spot-on flea treatments are Advantage Multi, Frontline, and Vanguard. Advantage Multi is given on a monthly basis to assist the body in killing heartworms, mites, fleas, and intestinal parasites. Frontline is known as an effective spot-on treatment for killing ticks and fleas. Vanguard effectively halts the development of flea eggs into adults.

  1. Best Chewable For Fleas:

Bravecto is an effective chewable that’s given on monthly basis. It can combat fleas and ticks within half a day. It repels ectoparasites for around 12 weeks. Nexguard is another chewable that’s given monthly to kill ticks and fleas.

Every chewable and spot-on treatment has its pros and cons, so it’s best to consult the vet to recommend one for you. Read the instructions well and apply them using pipette in the neck area of dog so that he cannot lick it.


Fleas are itchy creatures that can cause bad health of your Labrador within few days of completion of their lifecycle. The idea is to prevent them through medicinal and natural remedies on a daily and monthly basis as per effectiveness. What these treatments do is that they interrupt the lifecycle of fleas or repel them.

In case of flea infestation, be careful with treating puppies, lactating or pregnant females, and older dogs. Start off with natural remedies, and if the problem isn’t resolved, then, look for some medicines.

The given information cannot replace professional veterinary advice, so its best to consult the nearest trusted vet for complete treatment.


1 thought on “Best Flea Treatments For Labradors

  1. kennedy Reply

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