Dog Grooming Tips to Keep Your Pooch Looking Great

Having a dog at home, or any pet for that matter will require you to be responsible. Dogs are one of the most loyal animals, if not the most faithful animal you can take under your wing. Treating them as part of the family by feeding and grooming them will ensure they will remain in a positive mood at all times.

Grooming your dog is quite beneficial to both their mood and health. A well-groomed dog is less likely to become infected with parasites and other diseases. While some people prefer bringing their dog to a professional pet grooming clinic, this can quite costly in the long run. The good news is that you can groom your dog at home as long as you know how and have all the necessary dog grooming equipment.

In this article, we will be going through some essential dog grooming tips on how to properly groom your dog with excellent and professional-looking results.

Grooming your pet regularly has many benefits; asides from improving your bond, it also allows you to check whether your dog has fleas or other pests hiding in their fur.

Dog Grooming Tips

Before we begin discussing dog grooming tips, it is best to ensure you have all the essential tools on hand. Dog grooming equipment is specially designed for our furry friend, and will significantly aid in grooming by providing comfort for the dog and ease of use for the owner. Now then, once you have the appropriate dog grooming equipment, it is time to begin working on your pet dog.

1. Find out what type of coat your dog has

The type of dog shampoo you use for dog grooming will depend on your dog’s coat. For example, a dog with a longer coat might require stronger shampoos, but this can also cause their skins to become excessively dry as a result. There are also dogs that have “all-weather” coats. These dogs have naturally waterproof coats so bathing them might be a bit tricky.

For dogs with an all-weather coat, try to brush their body before baths. Also, use gentle dog shampoos and conditioner to avoid damaging their natural waterproof coat. These types of dogs will also require regular bathing (2 to 3 times a week).

For dogs with longer coats, it is recommended to use a conditioner to ensure their skin will retain its moisture after taking a bath. Also, please use products that are specifically designed for dogs to avoid causing skin irritations.

2. Brush your dog’s teeth regularly 

Your dog might need some time to get used to the sensation of brushing their teeth. Because of this, it is best to start brushing their teeth while they are still a pup. You can use a standard toothbrush, but make sure it has extra soft bristles. Ideally, you should use a finger brush in this situation so that you can easily reach all the vital areas inside your dog’s mouth with ease.

You can also give your dog treats like hardened cheese and dried duck feet. These two can help further clean your dog’s teeth after every meal. There are also dental hygiene treats that you can buy at your local pet shop. Remember that dogs can get all the dental issues that we humans do, so take all steps to ensure that your dog has healthy dental hygiene as well.

3. Make a habit of trimming your dog’s nails

A dog’s nail grows just as fast as humans do, so expect to trim your dog’s nails at least twice a month. This is usually everyone’s least favorite dog grooming segment as the dog can be extremely fussy throughout the process.

If your dog is not used to having their nails trimmed, prepare to spend a considerable amount of time here. It is also important to note that you should be careful how much you trim; you will need to avoid going past the “quick” of their paws which is the pinkish section that can be seen underneath their nail.

There are also three types of dog nail clippers that you can use: the scissor style, the plier style, and the guillotine style. Choosing between the three models are quite simple. The scissor and plier clippers are best suited for larger dogs as they can provide you with added force to clip their thicker nails. Guillotine clippers are easier to use and are best used on small to medium sized dog breeds.

The team at Rangersdog have shared their best picks of dog nail clippers to enable you to do the job at home

4. Don’t forget to clean your dog’s eyes, ears and face 

When bathing your dog, you should also take some time to clean their face to avoid bacteria build-up properly. This is doubly true for dog breeds that have skin folds like bulldogs and shar peis. The skin folds can cause bacteria to build up over time as sweat gets trapped within the skin. This can lead to infections on your dog that you should take the necessary steps to avoid.

The ear is also the part of the dog’s body where bacteria can thrive. For dogs that have long droopy ears, this is a near guarantee, so taking some time to clean your dog’s ears at least once a month is essential. You can get ear cleaner solutions from your veterinarian or make one yourself as there are numerous home recipes for dog ear cleaning solutions online.

You should also remember to clean around the eyes to avoid accumulated “goop’. Eye discharge can accumulate on the corners of your dog’s eye. If you find that the goop has hardened, take a clean piece of cloth and dip it into a bowl of warm water. You should also be aware if your dog has excessive eye discharge as this is often a sign of more serious health concerns.

Final words… 

Professional dog grooming can offer the best results when it comes to taking care of your dog. However, not everyone may have the budget for this regularly. It’s a good thing that we can take care of and groom our four-legged best friend ourselves in the comfort of our own home – and that includes parasite and bug shampoos or protection. As long as understand how to go about specific grooming process and have all the dog grooming equipment at your disposal, with practice, even you can deliver top-notch results with your dog’s grooming sessions.

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